Adventures of an Empath: Bach Flower Remedies to Bach Flower Energies: a 21st Century Miracle Bach Flower Essences are specially made remedies, aqueous (water based) essences made with fresh water, the sun, and a specific and special flower (for the most part it’s a flower). Edward Bach, who was a medical doctor, was an empath himself, and a very sensitive man. He correctly intuited that emotional disturbances cause all physical illnesses, blockages, and therefore if the blockages are released, the person will be well. The blockages are caused by ego-based attitudes: we could call them character flaws. Bach found the 38 flowers in 10 years. Once he completed the set and he was satisfied, his work on Earth done, he died. I was first relating to his work with distrust and aversion. I think I related to everything that way… but I can’t really remember. But later on I got curious and I got “hooked” by the simplicity and the elegance of his method. I started study and use Bach Flower Remedies, or Flower Essences, and the 38 flowers are called, some 10 years ago, Then, I picked what remedy to take or give to my “clients” by thinking about it and understanding it. It was all Tree of Knowledge, and it worked, sometimes. Mostly my opinion blocked me from the correct identification of the needed remedy. I used to be forceful and headstrong, and it showed in how I used the remedies… Then I bought a book that explained the transformational aspect of each remedy, and I got better guesses… still Tree of Knowledge, sorry to say. The 3rd phase was after I learned how to connect. I stopped guessing. I didn’t even look at the label, I just went over the 38, and muscletested each for myself or for a client. Worked brilliantly. The fourth phase, that I am the middle of, is quite challenging: I take a little bottle out of the case, I wrap my hand around it, and wait. 5 seconds exactly. If there is no “ding” in my belly, then it is not one of the remedies to put in the mix. If there is a ding, I have a choice to feel the pain exactly how and where the client feels it or not. This morning I chose to feel the pain. I cried, and I wailed, and doubled over. It was horrible. And I only did it with 10 remedies! Imagine going over the 38: I surely would die! I have never had a client who had less than 8 essences in their remedy mix. And I now have two clients that have 23 and 28… Can you imagine what kind of pain these people (you) are dealing with, day in and day out? Do you now understand why people self-medicate and drink, eat, or sex? I do. Even though I feel your pain 100 times stronger than you yourself, one hundredth of that pain is still horrible: You cramp, your muscles tighten, your neck gets stuck, you get a headache, you get angry… the symptoms are myriad. And that is the life of a normal 21st century human being. Isn’t it time we shift that? And really, in earnest, start the thousand years of peace? It is up to you. You can do it for yourself, and with that you are doing it for the world. Source is in the process of turning those individual remedies into activators. As soon as I can correctly identify the particular pain, the energy is right there to eliminate it. I have tested it. Instant. No mixing, no bottles, no shipping. The energy of the flower instantly in your body. Wow. 21st century miracle, if you are asking me. Sign up to be notified when I am done with this phase. In the meantime I need more people to come to the meditation sessions: Saturdays 9 am and 9 pm, and Tuesday nights at 9 pm. If it gets overcrowded, I’ll add more times. At present you get personal attention from me, including the Bach Flower energies. I will send you invitations to the different webinars you can learn to connect and help me test. OK? Looking forward to showing you the Bach Flower Energies. I can’t wait… 5000 more of my articles on my site,