Member-only story
Are you a dabbler, a sampler, an “I’ll try that” person?
One characteristic of the 99% is that they don’t heed Alexander Pope’s warning:
“A little learning is a dang’rous thing; / Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.” 1
This behavior even characterizes the 99% of the One Percent.
Why is being a taster, a dabbler, a person who samples, tries out, but never drinks deep from anything keeps you from joining the 1%?
You can have it, as Alexander Pope suggests, about learning. But if you do it in one place, you do it everywhere.
How you do anything is how you do everything!
So you do it in your relationships. You impregnate a woman, but never become a partner, a father.
In the chicken and the pig parallel: you are always the chicken: you only give what costs you little, never give all of…