Commitment… the c-word… and saving grace

Sophie Benshitta Maven
8 min readMay 16, 2021

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I bet when you read ‘c-word’, you were thinking of something else… But don’t be mistaken, people are more afraid of commitment than the c-word you thought I meant…

Here is a quote from Rob Brezsny: When a crocodile slams its jaws shut, the energy it summons is powerful. But when the beast opens its jaws, the force it exerts is weak. That’s because the muscles used to close the mouth are much more robust than the muscles used to open.

Humans, you? shy away from commitments: Commitment is jaws open… allowing. Why?

Because commitment feels like bondage, like voluntary enslavement, like saying a lot of no’s to a lot of nice things… the end of a life of liberty. Life opening up, and you need to stay open.

Commitment feels like opening yourself up.

Open is associated with danger. You leave your door open, your car door open, your mouth open, your heart open… Untold and unimaginable dangers may come.

So whenever you actually do make a commitment, everything goes haywire. As if things got a signal: NOW…



Sophie Benshitta Maven

Publish at Raise your vibration true empath, coach, publisher, mad scientist, living a life that is worth living