Did you feel what you thought you felt?

Sophie Benshitta Maven
8 min readNov 4, 2019

When you think you are an insomniac… or when you are always tired and you suspect your sleep has issues, what “scientists” do is hook you up to “feelers” to see to what degree reality matches your experience.

I have heard of people who have sleep apnea and wake up hundreds of times a night, just enough to start breathing again. Their consciousness records it… but their conscious awareness doesn’t

Consciousness and conscious awareness are not the same. Not even close.

In fact consciousness is not related to conscious awareness… it would be more appropriate to call it The observer, or The Witness.

How would you know?

Now that enough of you are using the consciousness wakeup audio, the Big Bundle (stupid name, isn’t it?) and consciousness instruct your unconscious awareness, whatever that is, to do repairs… do you actually know about any of it?

If you do, then you are different from me. I don’t.



Sophie Benshitta Maven

Publish at Raise your vibration www.yourvibration.com true empath, coach, publisher, mad scientist, living a life that is worth living