Member-only story
Getting to clear. Getting to whole and complete.
Why are you miserable… why do you pretend to be happy?
Good question, isn’t it? Both parts…
My answer is the same to both questions… both parts.
It is the shoulds.
They are everywhere. Society, family, partner, government, religion, everyone we come in contact with place a should on us… and we take it, even if we don’t like it.
When we are born, life is big, and our playing ground is huge.
Then come the no’s and the do or else’s…
And with every no and with every “do or else” the playing ground where we are free to do what we want to do gets smaller and smaller.
When I look at people, they are pretty much restricted to a life the size of a playpen. Area where they are free to be themselves, area where they can be curious, area where they can do what they want to do.
All other areas are constricted, are mine fields, and peppered with should’s and shouldn’ts.