How do I decide what to write about?

Sophie Benshitta Maven
7 min readDec 17, 2019

Before I answer that question, I want to look at something closely related, but something I have only seen addressed one single time. And that is: how to be in a conversation where you listen in such a way, that everything you say will be delightful for to the other… where you are in a gentle and pleasant dance… instead of how you are now: separate, all about yourself… never dancing, never really having an experience of belonging to the human race, or even to that particular conversation. Wanting to win, wanting to dominate, wanting to be right, look good, etc.

And as a result you now have a life that you don’t belong with the closest people, family, lovers, children… co-workers, bosses, even friends, if you even have any.

The simple reason is: you don’t listen, or not really. Why wouldn’t you listen… one could ask, but the answer is simple: you are too busy listening to yourself, thinking about whatever you are thinking, being in your head, in common parlance.

And even if you hear the words, you don’t listen to the heart of the other, to who they are, to what makes them grieve, what they need, from you or others. You don’t hear them, THEM, really.

And what suffers as a direct consequence of that is your life, your results, your relationships.



Sophie Benshitta Maven

Publish at Raise your vibration true empath, coach, publisher, mad scientist, living a life that is worth living