I am getting flak from Source

Sophie Benshitta Maven
6 min readMar 20, 2020

If you don ‘t know what flak is… flak is strong anti aircraft fire…

Why? It seems that I have fallen into standards and ideals mode…

What is that? you ask… It is where the person entertains how things, people, themselves SHOULD BE, should do, should have.

I have been harping… I am a harpy (a rapacious monster described as having a woman’s head and body and a bird’s wings and claws or depicted as a bird of prey with a woman’s face) when it comes to being well read, observant, and intelligent. To the degree, that this morning I asked Source if it is worth training people who are not like I say they should be. But Source says: it is.

This is the problem with the standards and ideals attitude: they want to deal with only ‘deserving’ people…

The other problem most have is that they themselves don’t match their standards and ideals… they are fully sh*t… Am I too? Source says no… but that doesn’t make me much better.

Last night I stayed up past my usual bedtime to watch and listen to MY teacher, Ben Settle, who was doing a livestream on how to handle this global epidemic.



Sophie Benshitta Maven

Publish at Raise your vibration www.yourvibration.com true empath, coach, publisher, mad scientist, living a life that is worth living