What is the greatest motivators of all? Can you guess?

Sophie Benshitta Maven
9 min readDec 5, 2021

If we were talking directly, I would let you guess… but I am sure you wouldn’t guess right… It wouldn’t even occur to you…

Because the greatest motivators of all is being inspired by yourself.

What does it even mean, Sophie?

I am not talking about the narcissistic self talk that says that you are the greatest, handsomest, smartest of all…

No, what I am talking about the feeling you have when you did something praiseworthy. Something that for a moment makes you feel like you are not that little sh!t you’ve been all your life. You are someone worth writing at least one paragraph about…

But if it is such a great motivator, why don’t people use it more?

Some do… they may not tell you, or if they do, you can’t hear it.

Your attention is

1. outward directed, meaning you want others to praise you
2. maybe you don’t recognize what is praiseworthy
3. Mostly you are looking at what’s bad about you
4. you don’t use the self-praise to propel you forward
5. you are pretty dead inside.



Sophie Benshitta Maven

Publish at Raise your vibration www.yourvibration.com true empath, coach, publisher, mad scientist, living a life that is worth living