Why would he with a 160 IQ produce low truth value science?

Sophie Benshitta Maven
7 min readSep 23, 2021

Or an even better question: can that same dude see clearly that his science is only 10% truth value?

And another puzzling question: what does it feel like being a shyster?

Does it matter that he is a Pisces?

The issue is, I say, character.

What is character and why is it more important than IQ?

This dude’s soul correction is the same as mine… Forget Thyself. Is lying part of my soul correction? Hm.

Soul correction is a machine with a set of character defects. Lying is a character defect.

34 Forget Thyself, fancies itself above others. Its main move is condescension… look down upon… with superiority and contempt. Despise those who are less in its eyes, in its opinion.

This superiority is addictive. It comes with an automatic craving. And a 34 (and I believe 25 as well) considers that feeding the craving is more important than the truth.

How do I know? Being a 34 I have been fighting this addiction ever since it was…



Sophie Benshitta Maven

Publish at Raise your vibration www.yourvibration.com true empath, coach, publisher, mad scientist, living a life that is worth living